The A* Algorithm finds the shortest path from a start to goal location whilst avoiding obstacles.
The RRT (Rapidly Exploring Random Trees) algorithm samples random points and creates a path from start to goal, whilst checking for collision
with an obstacle on each iteration.
The Informed RRT* algorithm is an improved version of RRT where it attempts to find the shortest path and samples within a smaller region (ellipse) once an initial path is found.
Since RRT and RRT* are sampling based, there is no guarantee they will always find a path, it all depends on your obstacles.
Click on Set Start Location, double click anywhere on the grid, do the same for Set Goal Location.
Then click on Set Obstacles click once on grid, drag your mouse, then click again to release. Repeat this as many times as you
wish. If you're on mobile, double tap instead of clicking and dragging. A black square will show up as your obstacle.
Once you're done, select an algorithm, Then press Go! to find a path.
To quickly get started I recommend first setting the start and goal very close (200-300pixels apart). The further apart they are, the longer
the algorithm takes to find a path. You can then proceed with calculating longer routes.
Be sure to Reset Grid between each calculation, Let's Go!